Teaserbild Kursaal Bern

SAKK Semi-Annual Meeting, May 2023

This year, the first SAKK semi-annual meeting will be held in Bern on May 10-12, 2023.

SAKK Semi-Annual Meeting, May 2023

This year, the first SAKK semi-annual meeting will be held in Bern on May 10-12, 2023.
10 - 12 May 2023

Hotel Kursaal Bern
Kornhausstrasse 3
Bern 3013

SAKK Research Groups

Our SAKK Project Groups, Working Groups and Sections will meet to discuss and refine trial proposals. 

Symposia, Education and Training

In addition to scientific symposia focusing on current trends in the field of oncology, the semi-annual meeting will also offer various education and training options for clinical investigators, trial coordinators, and other experts working in clinical research.

General Assembly

The SAKK General Assembly will take place on May 10, 2023, alongside the semi-annual meeting. 


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